Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Codename: Paranoia01_Shipyard Alpha Released!

I proudly, excitedly present an high-definition presentation, with commentary of level 1 in pre-alpha format!

I say PRE-ALPHA because there are recent updates in the final alpha version that are not seen in this video, such as highly destructible environments.
I welcome anyone who is interested to please download the zip file and install the VPK file within it. Currently this is an open alpha test of level 1 ONLY. The download link is below the video.


For those of you interested in testing the ALPHA version of level 1, please
click the following link!
Download Here

Please send feedback, comments, suggestions, etc. to mikel.toth@gmail.com

Friday, July 24, 2009

Versus Campaign Demo Reel Arrives!

I have uploaded a high definition version of the demo, and everything seems mostly satisfactory. The new addition to this is the commentary, where I talk about the level, its future plans, and the current going ons. Enjoy.

The photos below do not do justice to the video I have finally decided to compile.
While the level is a development in progress, there are a few notes I would like to point out: Polish, reflective surfaces, navigation & crescendo bugs, some objects not appearing, as well as a broken ladder at the end of the level, which I have since fixed, as well as the textures-I have a member of the community, Bax.qc, currently creating custom textures, which will be used to re-texture the campaign before final release. Lighting and fog are also subject to change.
While this is a very early development demo, I have been good about keeping this campaign in the dark, as far as not showing off the level in photos.
I hope you enjoy the demo I have provided, and hope to hear your feedback on IRC and on here. You may also email me at mikel.toth@gmail.com with questions, concerns, suggestions, feedback, etc., etc.

Enjoy <~:o)

Stay tuned for campaign updates later in the week. I'll have a video posted of level 2 as soon as it is in a playable shape, although that may be some time.


Friday, July 17, 2009

UNIT Update!

Before I get to the exciting news, everyone knows I've been skipping out on the pickup games lately to continue my work. While I'm not at liberty to show off the rest of the level, I've uploaded a photo of the development shot, further along.

And to the exciting news!

I'd like to thank Bax.qc for taking the time to sit down and create a handful of custom textures and skyboxes for this campaign, which will be applied in the final days of development.
We're working on an amusement park, but I can't really disclose any more information on that at the moment, although I'll have it be known that I've been taking time off from level design to work with 3ds max on this project.

Look forward to a demo reel of level 1 in the near future, as basic layout development is coming to a close. After private game play testing and detail additions, the final tweaks will be made, and a wonderful video of pain and pleasure will be uploaded.

One more news announcement that I nearly forgot... Blindphaze, owner of Blindphaze servers, http://blindphaze.net has been kind enough to host our group on his domain, which will shortly be http://unit.blindphaze.net

Stay tuned for further updates!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

One more update.

I've changed a few things, and I'd like the community to be able to see the difference in detail, design, etc., so I've provided a newer photo, albeit still incomplete, of the same area.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Again and again...

I'm still working on things, here, and to celebrate an extremely late fourth of July, here's a photo from a new versus campaign I'm working on. While there won't be any game play videos for a while, hopefully this will tie people over since I haven't updated this blog in a while.
The level itself is fairly simple, and short, and while I am not revolutionizing the genre or the game, and while there are some similar locations that while different have already been used, it's a new campaign, with a new story, and I feel it will help to keep things fresh.

I'm developing a new campaign, greatly in part to reference photos I've been gathering from across the internet. While the reference for this photo is far from completion, it's been too long since an update, and this announcement felt suitable.
since july 1, 2009