Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Doom 3 Update

Doom 3 Booster Pack

I've been working on updating the Doom 3 Game mechanics through the SDK, among things these past few days, and I've released the first version of updates.
Unfortunately, there is a really large list of updates, preventing it from being a simple enhancement. Among updates include sharper textures, realistic lighting and ambience, among some things. For the full scoop you'll need to check out the readme.txt included in the zip file.
Also, please refer to my Steam Forums Post about the update for a general overview of the update. I recommend having 1.3.1 installed, as well as starting a new game for settings to work. I urge testers to please inform me of any bugs or problems you encounter, as this is version 1.0a.

Also, look for Doom 3 Clan Arena as I am in the process of developing it, based off of Quake 1 Clan Arena. Also, for rocketjumping fanatics, I have been hard at work modifying game physics and rockets/grenades for rocket jumping as similar as possible to quake world team fortress rockets/grenades physics for trick maps.
I'm in need desperately of testers for both, and I'm also on the look out for talented 3d model artists and sound designers.
If you're interested, please email me with the appropriate subject header.

Enjoy the mod!

1 comment:

  1. I like very much this mod and i hope you work more on it and you release another new update very soon... :)


since july 1, 2009